Dance classes for Children in San Diego, as early as 6 months of age!
A well designed toddlers dance program is designed with a child’s psychology in mind for a child to evolve with each and every class.
Classes like Sing, Sign, and Play help form the early effects of communication, enhance bonding, increase IQ, with less crying, tantrums, and frustrations. These classes help parents open a window into their babies minds and personalities by teaching them effective two-way communication through a fun and simple combination of play, music, and American Sign Language signs. These classes can open your eyes to your baby's world and make life a little easier for you.
As early as 15 months of age a child can experience a “Magical Mornings” Dance Class. These are parent and child classes, so they can enjoy dance and have fun together. They are a nice step up in a fun yet structured environment using all types of music, improvisation, basic dance moves, and song. They really help and focus on building self-confidence, coordination, movement, imagination and a sense of rhythm. Sharing, forming lines, and interaction with other dancers and adults helps prepare young dancers for so many things you will want them involved in very soon, not to mention, the joy of a well behaved child.
Sometime after a childs second birthday when they begin to show signs of independence they can start their first beginning Ballet class. These types of classes enhance young childrens rhythm, movement, and coordination. They are taught with age appropriate music and imaginative props, little dancers stretch their imaginations while learning to dance.
At Love to Dance, Inc. in San Diego, CA the Director has designed a very comprehensive program known as the Tiny Tots Program. “This program prepares little dancers for so many things foreseen and unforeseen they will experience in their future. There are preschools, organized activities, and before long an after school dance programs that will take them through to their High School graduation and beyond.” Says Mindy Love Watkins- the Director
It is not hard to imagine, with introducing dancers so early, where they will be in the future. Growing up in a dance studio creates so much more than just a healthy lifestyle and activity. There are traditions, history, personal values, and self-worth that will remain with them for a lifetime.
-Staff Writer at Love to Dance, Inc.
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