From the 80's street corner in NY and LA you could see the locking, popping, freestyle, up-rocking, down-rocking, grinding, the running man, gangsta walking, krumping, the Harlem shake and breaking. Inside the cipher, the formation circle gathered around a dancer gave birth to the first informal competition.
Hip Hop has growth up and become a Billion dollar industry. Taught in every dance studio across the nation the art form has countless styles within itself. Hip Hop has spread to Europe, Japan, Europe, and Africa. For example, as Hip Hop evolves in Japan and Italy they are adapting their own cultural influences and dynamics.
Hip Hop influences Fashion, Music, Movies, and TV. America's Best Dance Crew is a wildly popular American Idol-esque reality show aiming to find the most talented and entertaining hip hop dance group in the nation. ABDC's first season winner, the JabbawockeeZ, are now a featured show in nightly at the Monte Carlo Casino in Las Vegas.
Taking Hip Hop out of the streets and turning it into a planned and practiced choreographed dance style has forever changed the dance community. It is arguably the most diverse dance form in existence and seems to have no boundaries or depths of influence in mainstream America. Hip Hop today is prominent and thriving in studios, on the streets, and in the professional performing world.
The internet has brought Hip Hop to a global connection allowing cultures to express their own unique self-expressionism. Social networks bring hip-hop-minded dancers together like BlockSavvy and DanceJam. With the ability to access video, music, and dance gear this dance form is growing by leaps and bounds.
The unique and explosive qualities of hip hop dance have captivated audiences for years and show no signs of slowing down anytime soon!
Staff Writer of Love to Dance, Inc.
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